05 April 2008


No, not the percent I just got on my last physics test, the progress I have made raising $4000. That comes out to be $3682 to be exact. If I reach $4000 and you still would like to donate, don't worry, you still can. Of the first $4000, some of that goes to administrative costs (yeah I know, but there are always other costs), but after $4000 one hundred percent of the donation goes to the Upper Valley Habitat for Humanity or one of the many other programs that we give grants to along the route. Speaking of which, if you know of an affordable housing project that is run or executed mainly by college aged young adults (18-25 is the range Bike and Build gives), let them know about these grants that Bike and Build gives. More information can be found on the grant part of the Bike and Build website.

On another note, I haven't yet thanked my latest donors. So a huge thank you to the Gerleks, the Hignites, Anchorage's favorite Fireweed 400 family team, the Cravez's, sadly I will miss it, some friends of mine were going to go for the 4 person mixed 200 mile record... but back to the thanking! Finally I need to thank Cammy and Scott Taylor, and my Aunt Mary and Uncle Jim for their generous donations!

So with my bike arriving I decided to make a list of all the stuff I need to get a hold of before I start biking. I just got another pair of nice armwarmers (these ones are merino wool and have Dartmouth and the D logo on them :D). Besides that I need to find me: some Conti GatorSkin Tires (I don't want too many flats), a bunch of tubes, some dry chain lube (I'm assuming it'll be pretty dry this summer), I'll have to see if I have space for a full on pillow, but I might need to find a compressible travel pillow if I'm cramped for space. Oh and a sweet color to paint my bike!

That is all for today. My posts will probably be pretty random until I can get a schedule down (a.k.a on the road), but I'll just post anything worthwhile before then on here when it comes up.

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