22 August 2008

Mazama, WA

So I'm writing this from Lynden because I don't want my posts getting too long.

Our day out of Republic was great for the first half, we had a tiny pass and were flying, then we turned after lunch - into the wind. However the day was pretty uneventful until we got to Omak where we had a long lunch at Arbys (we being John P, Ian, Kevin, Dae, Isaiah, and I). Also the mother of one of my mom's friends brought us veggies which was great!

Out of Omak to Early Winters Campground in Mazama was a bit different. Ian, Bobby, and I rode together and at lunch since the clouds were looking menacing and we were going to be the first ones to the campsite we decided to take a tent with us on the road. So I grabbed one of the nice new tents (how convenient), and rode off from lunch. After we got around a turn we stopped and spread out the components so we all had some of the weight and we went off. Through the rain and sprinkles (welcome to the Pacific Northwest), we biked. We passed through the tourist trap of Winthrop, where apparently a Dartmouth Ski team and Cycling Team alum from '06 worked at a bike shop (I knew I should have stopped). We got to the campsite early and set up our tent, luckily it was sunny and nice out and it only started raining later in the day. But we got our nice tent and had a relaxing night.

That's all for now, and I'm out of time for this computer.

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